Symbolism of “The Empty Cross” TM
By Max Greiner, Jr.
“The Empty Cross”TM is most symbolic cross sculpture in the world because the design was birthed by God, like the Tabernacle of Moses (Ex 25:8). The historically unique cross composition was given to me in an open vision. On 8/27/02, a stranger named Marlon Quibodeaux from Beaumont, TX emailed me and said God told him that I was to build a 77’7” cross for God over IH-10. Not convinced, I promised to pray. I was shocked when I immediately received an open vision of a 300’ cross-shaped garden, with a massive open cross sculpture at the end, surrounded scriptures carved in stone and my four existing monumental Christian sculptures in the points of the cross.

Eight months earlier, on 12/9/01, another stranger, Dr. Mahesh Chavda, of Charlotte, NC, prophesied in Austin, TX, that my wife, Sherry and I would “be involved in the restoration of the Tabernacle of David!” Both prophecies were fulfilled nine years later on 7/27/10, when “The Empty Cross”TM sculpture was raised inside The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden, right on IH-10 in Kerrville, TX!

The Biblical symbolism of this cross composition is unmatched. The hollow design allows the Light (Jn 8:12) to pass through representing the Resurrection (Lk 24:6). Christ is not there, He is risen (Mt 28:6)! The metaphor of the Door (Re 3:20), the Narrow Gate (Mt 7:13), the Strong Tower (Pr 18:10), the Mighty Fortress (Ps 18:2) and the Way (Jn 14:6) are obvious. The reddish-brown color of the Cor-ten steel represents the Shed Blood of Christ (Eph 1:7). In architecture vernacular, after the 1/4” thick metal skin is scourged (Mk 10:34) by sandblasting, it appears to bleed (1 Jn 1:17), thus providing permanent protection for the sculpture forever (Jn 10:28). This special Cor-ten steel skin is wrapped over a carbon steel structure called the skeleton (Jn 19:36). The colossal, seven story sculpture stands on a Firm Foundation made of concrete and steel (1 Cor 3:11). The Kerrville cross sits atop a solid limestone and flint Rock formation (Mt 21:42). It is high and lifted up (Isa 57:15) on a hill and help to all who find it (Ps 121:1).
Seven is the perfect number. Biblical numbers were used in the 77’7” tall hollow cross. The contemporary sculpture and the steel in the foundation weigh approximately 70 tons. The cantilevered cross-arms are 40’ wide. Forty is a significant number found throughout the Bible. The cross sculpture stands on a 10’ x 10’ square footprint. The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and Jewish Temple were square (2 Ch 3:8). The 7’ wide interior center space of the Kerrville cross is a type of Holy of Holies (Ex 26:34), where millions of people have prayed.
This historically unique cross sculpture is located at the same latitude as ISRAEL, approximately halfway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on IH-10. “The Empty Cross”TM and The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville, TX are now recognized by the premier travel website, Trip Advisor, as being in the top 10% of all tourist attractions worldwide.
Over the years, by the grace of God, I have created “The Empty Cross”TM in different sizes and materials. The smallest version is a ¾” piece of fine jewelry, made of Sterling Silver and 14k Gold. No matter the size, the design ratios, anointing and copious symbolism remains. This cross was God’s idea, not mine! The miracles occurring around “The Empty Cross”TM and this holy place are confirmation!