These are the days of the billion-souls harvest! The sole mission and vision for The Coming King Sculpture Garden is reaching the Nations for Jesus Christ! We are seeing an unprecedented number of hungry souls from all over the globe encountering Jesus Christ in His garden, right here in the Texas Hill Country.
October 15, 2024

The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden
Do you not say, “there are yet four months, then comes the harvest?” Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
John 4:35
Record numbers of visitors are arriving each year to the Garden! They are being transformed forever as they are set free from sin, guilt, shame, fear, and condemnation as they have a REAL encounter with the living God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! The lost are becoming FOUND in this garden and entering into full relationship with Jesus as they are touched by His love for them through the baptism with water, power, and the refining fire of His presence!
The only mission of this Christ-honoring garden is souls and glory for Jesus Christ. The Lord leads people here who are hurting, down-trodden, lost, sick and in need of the Savior. Upon arrival many say that can feel the tangible presence and peace of the living God who desires to set the captives FREE!

This is our new and upcoming “Wall of Nations” feature.
Come and read God’s Word about His love for Nations! We invite you to partner with Him and place your hand on your nation or any other nation that He has put on your heart and PRAY!
This wall will recognize Garden patrons who partner with the LORD in the mission of this garden to reach the Nations for His glory. Those who donate at the $5,000, $1,000, or $300 levels will forever be listed on our website. Donor names will also be on the wall itself for all to see who God has called to partner with the Garden to bring glory and souls to Him.
Your donation will make a GREAT GIFT! Upon request, we can make a certificate that you can present to your loved one that a donation was made in their honor by you!Click here for more information on how you can invest in the HARVEST OF NATIONS!
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly for the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”Luke 10:2
YES, YOU can do this!
We want to partner with you and help you evangelize wherever you are!
With every donation now through Christmas we will send you our “Free, Ticket to Heaven” evangelistic card to give to your friends and family to help you start the conversations on Eternity in Heaven!

TCKF, PO Box 290555, Kerrville, TX 78029
Office: (830) 928-7774
The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden, 520 Benson Dr. Kerrville, Texas.
(The park is open 365 days a year, from 7:00 AM until 10:00 PM.
The TCKF Office is open weekdays.)
Trip Advisor designated the Kerrville art park (with over 3.5 million dollars’ worth of monumental Christian sculptures) as being in the top 10% of tourist attractions worldwide!
The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Gardenwww.thecomingkingfoundation.orgKerrville, Texas