About The Gardens
Our Mission
“God told us in a public prophetic word given by a stranger on December 9, 2001 in Austin, Texas, that the LORD was calling us, with the help of many Christians, to be involved in ‘RESTORING THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID.’ Eight months later, in August of 2002, the Holy Spirit downloaded the precise design for a “TYPE” of last days tabernacle, a SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN, that would be placed along the highways and byways of the world.
In this holy vision, I saw a 100-yard long, cross-shaped garden filled with my monumental, Christ-honoring sculptures and Bible scriptures carved into stone. At the end of the path, I saw a 77’7” hollow, reddish brown, Cor-ten steel sculpture called “THE EMPTY CROSS”.

The only purpose of THE COMING KING FOUNDATION is to build these SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDENS across the world to bring glory and souls to JESUS CHRIST. These ‘Covenant Certified’ gardens are to be built according to the original design given by God. This is about Jesus Christ and Him magnified. No other religions will be presented in these free art parks.
The Holy Spirit has anointed this plan and will work miracles, signs and wonders at these ‘Covenant Certified’ gardens! The job of TCKF Trustees, staff and volunteers is to stay true to this unique evangelistic vision until Christ returns in the sky as THE COMING KING!”

The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville
The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden is a a 24.5-acre landscaped park, right off I-10. World-class art and landscaping are featured. The peaceful site draws about 200,000 visitors a year to the Hill Country town, from all fifty states almost 100 countries. The garden is also 24 miles south of the popular Texas tourist destination of Fredericksburg.
The leading international tourism website, Trip Advisor, in July of 2022, designated the Kerrville art garden as being in the top 10% of all tourist attractions worldwide. The spiritual garden has been repeatedly featured in national and international media, including on TV.
The private park is located at the same latitude as ISRAEL, approximately halfway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The massive, Artist Copy (#AC) bronze casting of the “Lion Of Judah” overlooks Kerrville, high above the city. The #1 lion bronze casting overlooks Mount Zion in Jerusalem, ISRAEL. The majestic sculpture was donated to ISRAEL, as a gift of love from American Christians. This massive male lion statue is on permanent display in Bloomfield Park.
Visitors from across the world are often astounded by the beauty and power of the Kerrville garden. Roger Hall recently commented on the international Trip Advisor website: “Surprising Jewel! Not often do I enjoy a location more than the Star Rating. This was one for us, a 5+. I found it not only well done, but moving. Definitely worth the hour drive we made to visit.”
The Texas park is open from 7 am. until midnight, 365 days a year. Vehicle access to the Maple trees is possible at the bottom of the hill, near the interstate highway. The larger grove of 42 Maple trees is several hundred yards away, on the top of a 1,930-foot hill, which overlooks the Texas Hill County and the town of Kerrville. The small city of approximately 24,000 residents is divided by the sparkling Guadalupe River. This scenic waterway is lined with limestone boulders and massive Bald Cypress trees.
Professional artist, Max Greiner, Jr. graduated with a Design Degree in Architecture from Texas A&M University in 1974. His spiritual dream began on December 9, 2001. The miraculous story is shared in Greiner’s book, “The Garden” – Art Of Faith.
Max and Sherry Greiner believe they were literally called by God to build beautiful, sculpture gardens across the USA and world to connect people to God. On May 6, 2004, the Greiners founded a non-profit, 501c3 “Art Museum” called The Coming King Foundation. It’s purpose was to bless, inspire, educate and encourage visitors. Today, free “Covenant Certified” Sculpture Prayer Gardens are being built across the USA, including Minnesota and South Carolina. Other parks are in the planning stages now. The prototype garden was built on faith in God without debt, professional fundraisers or underwriting by any individual, organization or church.
The President/CEO of the Kerrville Convention and Visitors Bureau, Julie Davis has watched the garden grow since the inception, saying: “The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden” has been a beautiful attraction within the Kerrville tourism product mix since it opened to the public in 2015; the grove of Big Tooth Maples certainly adds to this beauty and gives us all an opportunity to enjoy the colors of fall right here in the Texas Hill Country.”
The scenic private park in Kerrville is well known for many reasons, including its 77’-7” tall, Cor-ten steel sculpture “The Empty Cross” TM. This historically unique sculpture symbolizes the Door, Way, Light, Strong Tower, Mighty Fortress and the Resurrection.
No admission fee is required to see the three million dollars’ worth of original, monumental sculptures, which grace the unique spiritual park. Currently, 14 large sculptures are on permanent display with more planned. They were donated by three professional, internationally collected artists: Max Greiner, Jr., Beverly Paddleford and David Broussard.
Other popular tourist features at the Kerrville park include the “Path To Heaven”, a sculpture-filled, 300’ cross-shaped garden with 77 Scripture Tiles, in English, Spanish and German. Two waterfalls, called the “Jordan River Crossing” and the “Living Water Fountain” bring the soothing sight and sound of falling water. A 600’ “Prayer Path” encircles the cross-shaped garden, and is lined with thousands of “Prayer Rocks”. Visitors leave their own prayers and praises on the rocks. Picnic tables are also available to families. Free tours can be scheduled through the TCKF office.