On this day of another mass murder in our country, where evil is shown so clearly, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD still shines through. The Bible predicts these things will happen before the Return of Jesus Christ. They are happening and Jesus is coming back.
Remember to focus on the LIGHT as we go through these difficult times.
You guys and gals are responsible for lifting up the LIGHT, who is Jesus Christ, in Kerrville, Texas. Thank you!
Attached here is a glimpse of the LIGHT at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN. I pray glimpse of the LIGHT blesses you as you end this day.
Mike Simpson, owner of HERO PRODUCTIONS, and a TCKF donor and supporter, has been working hard on creating 25 vignette video segments of our 9/13/15 DEDICATION service. Mike has done a wonderful job capturing the anointing of this historic day.
CLICK HERE to view Greiner DEDICATION vignette.
Yesterday Mike finished my segment, which you can see now by clicking on the link below. You can also see all the other wonderful vignettes of the testimonies, prayer, preaching and worship from that special day at God’s Tabernacle Garden.
Eventually, Summer Holt will be building a special DEDICATION website page, where all these vignette segments can be seen on demand… forever. However, until then you can view the segments now on a special “holding” website that Mike uses to store and view the segments.
So, when you need a blessing, take a look at Mike’s most recent creativity. And, when you get a chance, please thank Mike personally and let him know what you think of his efforts to lift up the King of Glory.
Also, if you need someone to do a great professional video for you, your family or your company, I highly recommend Mike Simpson!
God bless you all. Pray for our country at this dark time in world history.
In Jesus,