Yesterday, the King of Glory arrived in Kerrville, TX. Or, at least His sculpture arrived from EAGLE BRONZE in Lander, WY! Monte Paddleford, my friend and owner of the art foundry, installed the 5000 lb., life-size bronze sculpture, “The Coming King”, Jesus Christ returning in glory (Rev. 19:11). It took us ALL day and we are all really tired! The 18’ tall sculpture of Jesus Christ completes the original vision that God called Sherry and me to almost 14 years ago! This bronze installation was done in preparation for our 9/13/15 official dedication that is coming up. This sculpture was donated to TCKF by Sherry and me, with the help of two anonymous donors, who helped cover the casting cost on this bronze. Here are just a few photos to let you see what God has done, with your prayers, volunteer work and donations. Thank you. The view at the top of the mountain is magnificent! Finally, attached is a 30 second video taken by Mike Simpson, of the “The Coming King” bronze sculpture being lifted into position. Sherry and I pray you are greatly blessed by what you see. Now pray that God uses this garden Tabernacle to draw thousands, even millions of people to Himself. Thank you! In the King’s service, Max Greiner, Jr. President

What glorious sculptures they have. I encourage you to visit this Holy place.