Eclipses Converge at Texas Cross – Did God Mark the Spot?

A small group of Kerrville, Texas Christians, living about sixty miles northwest of the Alamo in San Antonio, claim God Himself has marked their 77’7”, massive, modern art cross sculpture with the two coming solar eclipses. An Annular “Ring Of Fire” Eclipse will cross over their Kerrville cross on October 14, 2023. Then, six months later a Total Eclipse will track right over the metal cross again, on April 8, 2024. The last time a Total Solar Eclipse was seen in Texas was over one hundred years ago. The next solar eclipse won’t happen in the USA until 2045. On average, a Total Solar Eclipse will be seen from one location every 375 years. Kerrville has the longest duration time of any place on the planet, with both eclipses. The Annular eclipse will be 4 minutes and 56 seconds long. The Total Eclipse will have 4 minutes and 25 seconds of total darkness.
The conservative Christians believe God is warning America with these two rare celestial signs, that the deity wants the world to repent and focus on the cross of Jesus Christ. Critics beg to differ. They say that the “deity” has nothing to do with the eclipse intersection right over “The Empty Cross”TM. However, the skeptics cannot dispute the fact that the two eclipses converge over Kerrville, TX and the historically unique, contemporary cross sculpture, which rises above the rural, predominantly Christian community.
The hollow religious symbol cannot be missed by the tens of millions of travelers on IH-10. The sculpture stands on one of the most prominent hills in the Texas Hill Country, ¼ mile from the highway. The picturesque retirement community has been a favorite of the wealthy for over a hundred years, because of its beauty, climate and hunting opportunities.
Known for its rolling hills, Cypress treelined, crystal clear Guadalupe River, and abundant wildlife, the Hill Country town is also the birthplace of three large companies: Moony Aircraft, James Avery Craftsman, and the HEB food chain. However, it is now recognized worldwide for its multimillion-dollar, religious art garden.
In June of 2022, Trip Advisor, the premier tourism website, designated the serene sculpture garden as being in the top ten percent of all tourist attractions worldwide. Annually, well over a hundred thousand visitors travel to the free art park. They come from all 50 states and about 100 countries.
Garden tourist, Vilma Ladron De Guevara from Barranquilla, Colombia said: “This is the most beautiful place in the United States of America. Every country should have a place like this. It is peaceful here. This is the only country in the world that has a garden like this. God deserves this and more because He is the best!“
The unusual, open cross sculpture is also recognized as fine art across the world because of its unique geometric shape and size. The religious icon was designed and donated by internationally collected artist, Max Greiner, Jr. (71) and his wife, Sherry, along with their Christian-owned art foundry, Eagle Bronze Inc. in Lander, WY. The sculptor has an architectural design degree from Texas A&M University.

Indeed, to the consternation of atheists, “The Empty Cross”TM and the Christ-honoring art park are on the centerline of both solar eclipses. The reddish-brown (blood-colored) Cor-ten steel sculpture and garden also happen to be located at the same latitude as ISRAEL. The 24.5-acre garden even looks like the holy land, with its limestone-covered hills and vegetation.
The Biblical art park is known as The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden, named after the Bible verse, Revelation 19:11, which describes Jesus Christ as an avenging warrior, returning in the sky on a white horse at the end of time. This “type” of last days Tabernacle (Isaiah 2:2) is located approximately halfway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on the interstate highway. Believers claim this is no coincidence, while critics scoff.
Kerrville City officials are now preparing for a human flood of possibly 150,000 “eclipse tourists” into the town of about 24,000 residents. Many of those visitors will be streaming to the art park on a 1,930’ hilltop, located above the city and the interstate highway, which runs from Florida to California. The spiritual garden welcomed approximately 10,803 guests in May of 2023.
NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration) has selected Kerrville, Texas, as the premier viewing location in the USA for both eclipses. NASA will be LIVE streaming video of the two celestial events to the world. For more documentation visit the NASA website:

Distinguished Kerrville resident, USMC Col. Jack Lousma, Apollo Astronaut (87), has an opinion on the two USA solar eclipses. The Skylab/Space Shuttle Captain and Astronaut Hall of Fame Member said to TCKF garden founder, Max Greiner, Jr.: “Max, I have been around a long time. In my life, I have witnessed things few humans ever see. I can tell you that the intersection of the two rare solar eclipses, right over the top of “The Empty Cross” sculpture in Kerrville is no accident! There is a God! He created the universe, yet cared enough to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross two thousand years ago for the sins of mankind. All who call on His name will be saved!“
President and Chairman of The Coming King Foundation, Max Greiner Jr., and his “The Empty Cross”TM sculpture have been embroiled in controversy for years, since artist/evangelist first announced publicly in 2005, that a non-profit (501c3) art museum foundation would be raising a monumental, contemporary cross sculpture on the private land overlooking Kerrville and the transcontinental highway.
For years, angry opponents publicly attacked the unfettered artist, the proposed contemporary cross and the garden project, in the media and at City Hall. They hoped to derail the Christian art project. However, slander, ridicule, threats, vandalism, theft, an IRS audit, and a 15-month, $200,000 lawsuit failed to stop the cross. To the dismay of atheists, the battle for “The Empty Cross”TM actually secured more support and valuable free national publicity for the fledgling art project, even before the donated cross got off the ground.
However, the questions still remain: If there is a God, could there be spiritual significance to the fact that two rare solar eclipses are intersecting over a giant cross in Texas? What is in Kerrville that’s nowhere else on planet earth?
The ancient Jewish scriptures record that the heavens declare God’s majesty (Psalm 19:1). Dozens of Bible verses state clearly that God makes Himself known through the cosmos and His creation. Is there something the “Ancient of Days” wants to communicate to humanity, at this particular time in world history, with the two American eclipses?
Greiner thinks God has a message for all earthlings: “The eyes of the world are being focused right now on Kerrville, Texas for a reason. God does nothing by accident. At the precise intersection of the two rare solar eclipses stands a majestic, silent, seven-story, cross and 300’, cross-shaped garden filled with Christ-honoring sculptures and 77 Bible verses written in stone, in three languages.
The enormous cross symbolizes the way, the truth and the life, the light, the door, the mighty fortress, the strong tower, and the resurrection life of Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the Jews. Having betrayed our Founding Fathers, this nation has rejected the God of the Bible and is now in rampant, rebellious sin.
I believe God is giving our nation a final warning with this eclipse phenomenon, before Christ’s return to earth at the end of time. The one true God wants the world to repent and look at the cross of Jesus Christ. God will not be mocked.”
The Executive Director of The Coming King Foundation since 2017, Debbye Meszaros stated: “The God of the universe has been pointing people to this holy mountain, this ‘type’ of last days tabernacle, ever since the cross was erected in July of 2010. Since the Cross went up, God has done many signs and wonders, as signposts that He desires that all people have a personal encounter with Him.
A few examples include: the sighting of an extremely rare, solid white hummingbird for a month near the cross; visitors have photographed thousands of angels and angel orbs; thousands of guests have been sprinkled with God’s Shekinah Glory dust that looks like fine glitter. And, now a very rare eclipse phenomenon has located the garden for the world! Millions of visitors have already been touched here by the cross. Many have experienced love, hope, salvation, baptism, prophecy, healing, deliverance, angels, and miracles.
As the foundations of our great nation are being torn down, in our own generation, God has raised up a standard, a place where His name is still honored, where desperate people can find the true God, 365 days a year! He is alive and active on your behalf, and His desire is for you to KNOW Him and experience His presence. Humanity began in a garden. God desires to commune with His children in His garden, here in the beautiful Texas Hill Country!”