We hope you enjoy the Radio Show Broadcast featuring “The Cross at Kerrville” hosted by Roy Holley and TCKF Founder and President, Max Greiner. The show airs on the San Antonio, TX – “The Word In South Texas” KSLR 630AM www.klsr.com radio station every Saturday morning at 10:30am and also on the Austin, TX – “The Bridge” KTXW 1120AM www.ktxw.net every Saturday morning at 9:30 am and Sunday morning at 10:00am!
Each week, after hearing remarkable personal testimonies, thousands of listeners are given the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior.
Each week, Christians are given the opportunity to receive the nine Gifts Of The Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12.
Each week, people are inspired by true testimonies of Believers who have experienced modern-day miracles in their lives, many of which have happened at “The Empty Cross” in Kerrville.
Steve and Susan Casey were guests, with their friend, David Joiner, on the July 2016 radio programs.