Hi, Friends of the Cross!
Here is a link to the 23rd “FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” email newsletter from THE COMING KING FOUNDATION.
This is a “packed” newsletter since TCKF has not sent out a “FIRE” email newsletter in six months! Sorry, we have been busy!
This 23rd TCKF newsletter covers all the latest developments and miracles that have occurred at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN in Kerrville, TX, including EASTER 2016.
It is astounding what is happening on that mountain to thousands of people!
So, if you would like to see this latest newsletter, in a large size, simply click on the following link. You are not obligated to subscribe. If you just want to see, or print this one issue, click the link below and then click on the September 1, 2016 issue, at the top of the website page:
However, if you would like to receive future issues of “THE FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” email newsletter, please click on the SUBSCRIBE link, on the same page and sign up.
You are under no obligation and you can UNSUBSCRIBE at any time from this VERTICAL RESPONSE newsletter mailing list.
And, you don’t have to worry about getting too many TCKF newsletters, since at the current rate we are only publishing two a year!!!
Sherry and I want to thank all of you who have supported, prayed, volunteered or donated to this special non-profit work, that God is doing on a mountain in the Texas Hill Country. Thank you! Jesus said that a cup of water given in His name would not lose its reward!
Folks, please forward this newsletter link to everyone you know who owns a computer!!! Thanks!!! The Holy Spirit will bless them… and you!
God bless you and your family!
In Jesus,
Max Greiner, Jr.