This issue is about the 9/13/15 Dedication of the cross-shaped garden. The colorful newsletter is filled with testimony and photos from the amazing day! If you would like to receive future issues of this free e-newsletter to your email inbox about THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN in Kerrville, TX, you will need to sign up by completing the short online subscription form to the right, in the Sidebar. TCKF only sends out three or four email newsletters a year, so you won’t be inundated! This evangelistic method is working!!!! As of September 31st, 31,484 vehicles entered the 24.5 acre garden, with approximately 81,855 people, since the first of this year!!!! WOW! That is three times the population of Kerrville! All these people are presented with the written Gospel, using 77 Bible verses in three languages! Folks, the WORD of God is reaching thousands of people at the garden, many of whom won’t go to church or Christian event, won’t read a Bible or Christian book, won’t watch Christian TV or listen to radio. But, they will visit a free tourist attraction on the side of the highway to see the monumental sculptures!!! This is “Eye Gate Evangelism”… and it is working! Thanks again for your prayers and support for this soul-winning garden Tabernacle. In the King’s service, Max & Sherry.