I am excited to announce the completion of a very special visual presentation about the End Times Tabernacle that we have built together in the Texas Hill Country!
“FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” newsletter #24 was released yesterday, which introduced this special video presentation to TCKF newsletter subscribers. If you did not receive “FIRE” newsletter #24, then you are NOT on the TCKF automatic mailing list.
According to the Bible, we are in the “last days”. By the grace of God, together we have built a multi-million dollar, non-denominational, outdoor Tabernacle (without debt) that is literally touching millions of people, through the media and in person. There is NOTHING like it on planet earth!
The word “Tabernacle” means a place to meet with God. The original Tabernacle, built by Moses (about 1445 B.C.) traveled around the wilderness for 40 years with the “Ark of the Covenant”. The Hebrew (Jewish) people experienced thousands of miracles on a daily basis around this original Tabernacle. Today, Gentiles and Jews are experiencing miracles daily at the last days Tabernacle in Kerrville.
This beautiful NEW video presentation is the result of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours work by some very talented Christian artists. I personally believe this historic presentation is spectacular.
The Dedication was held on September 13, 2015, on Rosh Hashanah, Shemitah, and Jubilee. Mike Simpson, owner of HERO PRODUCTIONS, did a fantastic job documenting the eight hour Dedication service with video.
Summer Holt, owner of HOLTECH, with her husband Perry, did a wonderful job taking Mike’s beautiful video work and assembled it in a digestible form, which will be available forever on the TCKF website.
(If you ever need great website work or custom video presentations for your family, ministry or business, please consider using Summer Holt and Mike Simpson! They are the best, and they are anointed by God, as you will see!)
The Dedication presentation can be viewed as individual vignettes, as short as three minutes each. You can choose the video segment you want to watch from that historic day.
22 anointed speakers and 5 music worship groups celebrated the completion of the original vision given to Sherry and me 15 years ago.
Approximately 1,500 people from across Texas, the USA and world attended the Dedication of this prototype, last days Tabernacle in Kerrville, TX.
1. This Sculpture Prayer Garden may be the literal fulfillment of the Tabernacle scriptures in the Bible (Isa 2:2, Amos 9:11, Micah 4:11).
2. The presentation documents miracles, signs and wonders that are occurring daily at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN.
3. Hear Hershel Reid (in his own words) share why he gave $500,000 to me, after seeing almost a dozen wild hawks floating over his head on 9/16/05.
4. Witness rare unity in the Body of Christ as Pastors, Priests, evangelists and laymen from many Christian denominations came together to dedicate God’s Tabernacle garden in Texas.
5. Hear modern day prophecies given by our speakers, which are now coming true.
6. Hear God’s “Message To America”, which was given by TCKF Trustee, Louada Raschke and Jewish Rabbi, Dr. Randy Weiss.
7. Experience a genuine Rosh Hashanah service performed at sunset on God’s holy mountain by Rabbi Weiss.
Folks, pray and take some time to experience this beautiful video presentation. It is more relevant today than when it was delivered one year ago.
Also, please let me know what you think of this video presentation and share it with others. And, please thank Summer Holt and Mike Simpson for their exceptional work, done for the glory of God.
Click here to:
1. See the video Dedication Presentation with “LIVE” links to the individual segments: http://thecomingkingfoundation.org/mc/breaking-news.html
2. Read Newsletter #24 in a large size, or print without “LIVE” links: http://thecomingkingfoundation.org/images/FOTMnewsltrs/FOTM24.pdf
3. Subscribe to free future email issues of “FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN”: http://thecomingkingfoundation.org/newsletters.htm
Sherry and I pray that you are greatly blessed by God as you watch this powerful Tabernacle Dedication Presentation.
In the King’s service,
Max Greiner, Jr.
PS. Today, please listen to “THE CROSS AT KERRVILLE” radio show. TCKF donor, Bobby Cason shares how thousands of black hornets attacked him and covered his body. He was stung nine times before he screamed the name: “JESUS!!!”. Bobby received no other stings after calling on that name and is no longer allergic to bee stings! Click here to listen to this amazing testimony which airs today: http://thecomingkingfoundation.org/mc/radio-show-archive.html