Phone: (830) 928-7774Write a Letter
The Coming King Foundation
P.O. Box 290555
Kerrville, TX 78029-0555
Hours & Address
Free Admission Hours:
7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Open all year
Guided Tours Available
GPS Address:

Our Other Sites

Find out how you can help pave the way to the cross by praying for and supporting this unique “last days” method of evangelism.

Find out how to best visit the Garden, see information on the Sculptures and see digital tours.

You are here on themain “Flag Ship” website of the non-profit, 501c3 non-denominational Christian art foundation which shares the purposes and history of the organization.

Explore the numerous miracles and salvations that occur at The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden.

Explore the Membership Division of TCKF, and those who have pledged to lift up Jesus Christ in public wherever they go.